Instructions and effects for the Shrugs with lateral arms exercise
Muscles Used
Erector Spinae
Levator Scapulae
Trapezius I
Trapezius Ii
Trapezius Iii
Muscles Used
Erector Spinae
Levator Scapulae
Trapezius I
Trapezius Ii
Trapezius Iii
shrugs with lateral arms
Set-up: With a neutral spine and bracing through the core, raise your arms straight out to your sides until they are parallel to the floor. Your body will look like a 'T' from the front.
Lift: Initiate the movement by contracting your traps, raising your shoulders and arms upwards. Hold the position at the top for the prescribed time, maintaining tension and contracting through the traps.
Optional weighting: Light household objects, like books, cans or milk jugs can be used to eventually weight the movement.