Set-up: Insert one end of the barbell into a landmine base or corner of the wall. You can place a designated weight on the barbell sleeve (depending on the barbell weight and your performance level; can start with 5-10lbs and reassess). Make sure you grip the barbell with neutral wrists, you do not want your wrists bending backwards during the motion. Grip bar at chest height with both hands. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and slight bend in your knees.
Movement: Holding the barbell in front with both hands, wrists neutral, at chest height, begin exercise by engaging core and then stepping back into a retro lunge position with either leg. When lunging backwards, make sure to bend knee towards ground just before it hits the floor and then return to start position (both knees should be bent to approximately 90 degrees at the end position of the retro lunge). You want to take a big enough step that your front leg is not in a position where your knee is bent forward over your toes, your weight/movement should keep your knee behind your toes. Come back to standing by driving the force through your front leg. Alternate legs as you are stepping back. Make sure to encourage neutral spine and neutral hips/pelvis position throughout exercise, you do not want to feel that your hips or trunk are side bending or dropping during the motion.
Emphasis: Functional strengthening of lower body. Engage primarily glutes, quads, and hamstring muscles throughout exercise. Alternate legs, making sure to not allow for lateral trunk motion. Make sure to keep core tight throughout motion by drawing belly button in towards spine and maintaining neutral spine position throughout motion. Focus on controlling movement rather than speed initially.