Set-up: Use an infinite vertical rope trainer on either an individual unit or mounted unit. The rope unit should be placed at the top of the trainer. Begin by setting up facing the rope – you can either be seated on a weight bench that is positioned perpendicular to the rope trainer, half-kneeling, or standing in a partial squat position. If seated, face rope with back straight keeping core tight for neutral spine, feet flat on the floor shoulder width apart. If half kneeling, make sure to again keep core tight for neutral spine and alternate which foot is in front, can use a foam pad under your knee for comfort. If standing, face rope with feet shoulder width apart and core tight for neutral spine, slight bend in your knees for a mild squat position (knees should remain behind your toes). Make sure to keep eyes and head facing forward to encourage a neutral spine for your neck as well. You can be positioned slightly out away from the rope line to get a slight angle of pull.
Movement: You can perform exercise with either both arms or single arm. If performing with both arms, you will reach up as high as you can with one arm, grab the rope, and pull down towards you ipsilateral (same side) hip. Once you begin pulling down, you will simultaneously reach up with the opposite arm to grab the rope. Continue this motion reciprocally. You can also perform single arm. If doing so, your resting arm can be placed on your hips or out in front of you to help with balancing your weight distribution.
Emphasis: Maintain neutral spine by keeping core engaged throughout movement to prevent excessive lateral trunk motion - pull belly button in towards spine and maintain activation during exercise. Pull rope reciprocally and continuously, hand over hand, for a minimum of 20-30 seconds. You can change the level of resistance or speed of your pull for increased workload. You can perform either double or single arm. You can also perform while standing on an unstable surface, such as a BOSU, for additional core/balance work.
Repetitions: When performed for time, simply rest as needed based on fatigue.