Set-up: The battle ropes can be anchored to a heavy kettlebell, squat rack, or sled (any stable unit). Start with lighter battle ropes and then you can progress heavier as you advance your training. Hold the end of the ropes in each hand, firm grip with palms facing each other. Position yourself in a slight squat position, feet approximately shoulder width apart. Engage your core to encourage neutral spine positioning. There should be some slack in the ropes to allow for movement.
Movement: Make sure you have some slack in the ropes to allow for movement - the closer you are to the anchor point the more challenging to move the ropes. Stand in a partial squat, feet at least shoulder width apart. Starting with your right arm first, lift rope up towards the ceiling by moving your arm up and flicking your wrist. While doing so, tighten your core and engage your glutes to prevent excessive trunk extension and allow your core/legs to assist with the motion. As the right arm is starting to come down, lift the left arm up in the same manner. Keep this reciprocal motion going as you create alternating waves in the battle ropes.
Emphasis: You want to start with lighter/thinner ropes and progress heavier/wider as you advance. This is a full body workout, so you have to make sure you are not just using your neck and arms which can result in muscle strain. Engage your core, squeeze your glutes and allow your lower body to assist with the motion. You can begin by moving the ropes slowly and deliberately, then progress speed as your coordination improves.
Repetitions: When performed for time, simply rest as needed based on fatigue.