Set-up: Step up inside the trap bar (the bar is shaped like a hexagon). Standing in the middle, grip the handles on the side. Keep the shoulders back, position the hips low, push the chest out, and look straight ahead. Brace through the core and maintain a strong neutral spine curve.
Lift: To begin the lift push through the heels. When the bar passes the knees begin to push your hips forward, reaching full hip-extension at the end of the lift. Lower the bar close to the body and under control. Maintain the neutral spine position throughout.
Emphasis: Do not round the back at any time - the spine should be neutral throughout the movement. Do not hyperextend your lower back at the end portion of the movement. The arms should be straight for the entire movement - there should be no bend in the elbows. The pull should be a coordinated movement and the shoulders should rise at the same speed as the hips. Note that a trap bar deadlift is not a squat. The objective is not to stay completely upright - you will need a bit of forward lean (this will also help facilitate a neutral spine).