Set-up: Set up inside of a power-rack and set the safety pins to just above hip-height. Put the bar on pins at a point that is easy to contact, somewhere between your shoulders and the middle of your back. Set your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and point your toes out slightly - in-line with your knees. Duck underneath the bar, extend your upper arms forward while bringing your forearms back, and place the bar on your fingers above your shoulders. The weight should rest on your shoulders with your arms and fingers there for stability. With the grip established, brace your stomach and establish a neutral spine posture.
Lift: From this position lift the bar out of the pins driving through the legs. While maintaining a neutral spine position and tight brace through the core, descend until your legs are halfway to parallel with the floor. For most this will be when the hips are 3-12 inches below the knees. Drive the weight up in a straight-line.