Set-up: Begin by cleaning the kettlebell to your chest, and then pressing it overhead. A straight line should form between the bell, your shoulder and your hip. Point your feet away from the side of your body holding the bell. Turn your chest and head to face the kettlebell (and not downwards).
Movement: Keeping a very strong brace in your core, use your opposite - non-weight holding hand to glide down your leg, while bringing your torso towards the ground. Let the opposite hip push away while it controls the movement. Descend as far as you are able while maintaining stability in your trunk, then return to the start position under control.
Repetitions: Perform all repetitions on one side, then rest and repeat them on the other side. This counts as one set.
Caution: Make sure you have proper mobility to perform this exercise, and focus on technique before attempting to load the movement.