Food Categories
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Pork Products
Restaurant Foods
Sausages and Luncheon Meats
Soups, Sauces, and Gravies
Spices and Herbs
Vegetables and Vegetable Products
- Ham, sliced, regular (approximately 11% fat)
- Pork sausage, fresh, cooked
- Turkey breast, low salt, prepackaged or deli, luncheon meat
- Turkey breast meat
- Luncheon meat, pork, beef
- Ham, sliced, extra lean
- Chorizo, pork and beef
- Sausage, Vienna, canned, chicken, beef, pork
- Turkey, white, rotisserie, deli cut
- Ham and cheese spread
- Sausage, Italian, pork, cooked
- Ham, honey, smoked, cooked
- Salami, dry or hard, pork
- Beef sausage, fresh, cooked
- Pepperoni, pork, beef
- Salami, Italian, pork
- Mortadella, beef, pork
- Bratwurst, pork, cooked
- Roast beef spread
- Turkey ham, sliced, extra lean, prepackaged or deli-sliced
- Pate, liver, not specified, canned
- Sausage, turkey, breakfast links, mild
- Ham and cheese loaf or roll
- Turkey sausage, reduced fat, brown and serve, cooked (include BUTTERBALL breakfast links turkey sausage)
- Chicken breast, oven-roasted, fat-free, sliced
- Beef, cured, pastrami
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Bacon
- Turkey sausage, fresh, cooked
- OSCAR MAYER, Turkey Breast (smoked, fat free)
- Beef, cured, smoked, chopped beef
- Polish sausage, pork
- OSCAR MAYER, Salami (Genoa)
- Beef, cured, corned beef, canned
- HORMEL SPAM, Luncheon Meat, pork with ham, minced, canned
- Kielbasa, Polish, turkey and beef, smoked
- Luncheon meat, beef, thin sliced
- Bologna, beef
- Barbecue loaf, pork, beef
- Luncheon meat, pork, ham, and chicken, minced, canned, reduced sodium, added ascorbic acid, includes SPAM, 25% less sodium
- Sausage, smoked link sausage, pork and beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (chicken, pork, beef)
- Blood sausage
- Pork sausage, fresh, raw
- Luncheon sausage, pork and beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (cheese hot dogs with turkey)
- Bratwurst, beef and pork, smoked
- Smoked link sausage, pork
- Salami, dry or hard, pork, beef
- HORMEL Pillow Pak Sliced Turkey Pepperoni
- Turkey and pork sausage, fresh, bulk, patty or link, cooked
- Luncheon meat, beef, loaved
- LOUIS RICH, Chicken Breast Classic Baked /Grill (carving board)
- Salami, cooked, beef and pork
- Pate, chicken liver, canned
- Smoked link sausage, pork and beef, nonfat dry milk added
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Breast and White Turkey (smoked sliced)
- Luncheon meat, pork, canned
- Chicken roll, light meat
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks, bun length)
- Sausage, chicken and beef, smoked
- Sausage, Polish, pork and beef, smoked
- Sausage, summer, pork and beef, sticks, with cheddar cheese
- Sausage, chicken, beef, pork, skinless, smoked
- Pastrami, turkey
- OSCAR MAYER, Chicken Breast (oven roasted, fat free)
- Sausage, Italian, turkey, smoked
- Liver sausage, liverwurst, pork
- Salami, Italian, pork and beef, dry, sliced, 50% less sodium
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks)
- CARL BUDDIG, Smoked Sliced Chicken, light and dark meat
- Pastrami, beef, 98% fat-free
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (fat free hot dogs)
- Pickle and pimiento loaf, pork
- Sausage, Italian, pork, raw
- Bologna, pork
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, smoked, cooked)
- Beef sausage, pre-cooked
- Frankfurter, chicken
- Chicken spread
- Frankfurter, meat
- Luncheon meat, pork with ham, minced, canned, includes SPAM (Hormel)
- Luncheon meat, pork and chicken, minced, canned, includes SPAM Lite
- Salami, cooked, turkey
- Liverwurst spread
- Beef, cured, thin-sliced beef
- Frankfurter, beef
- Turkey ham, cured turkey thigh meat
- Bratwurst, chicken, cooked
- Ham, chopped, not canned
- Sausage, turkey, hot, smoked
- OSCAR MAYER, Salami (hard)
- Chicken breast, fat-free, mesquite flavor, sliced
- Sausage, pork and beef, with cheddar cheese, smoked
- USDA Commodity, pork, sausage, bulk/links/patties, frozen, cooked
- OSCAR MAYER, Smokies Sausage Little (pork, turkey)
- Corned beef loaf, jellied
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Breast (Smoked, Carving Board)
- Sausage, Italian, sweet, links
- Turkey sausage, fresh, raw
- Beef, cured, dried
- Oven-roasted chicken breast roll
- HORMEL SPAM, Lite Luncheon Meat, Pork and chicken, minced, canned, ascorbic acid added
- OSCAR MAYER, Pork Sausage Links (cooked)
- CARL BUDDIG, Smoked Sliced Ham
- Frankfurter, pork
- USDA Commodity, pork sausage, bulk/links/patties, frozen, raw
- CARL BUDDIG. Cooked Smoked Beef Pastrami, Chopped, Pressed
- Pork and turkey sausage, pre-cooked
- Braunschweiger (a liver sausage), pork
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, honey)
- Kielbasa, kolbassy, pork, beef, nonfat dry milk added
- Pork sausage, pre-cooked
- Sandwich spread, pork, beef
- Thuringer, cervelat, summer sausage, beef, pork
- Pork and beef sausage, fresh, cooked
- Honey roll sausage, beef
- Smoked link sausage, pork and beef, flour and nonfat dry milk added
- Ham salad spread
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Breast and White Turkey (oven roasted)
- OSCAR MAYER, Salami Cotto (beef, pork, chicken)
- Lebanon bologna, beef
- CARL BUDDIG, Smoked Sliced Turkey, light and dark meat
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Smoked Sausage
- Frankfurter, turkey
- Bologna, turkey
- Bratwurst, veal, cooked
- Beerwurst, pork and beef
- Dutch brand loaf, chicken, pork and beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Sandwich Spread (pork, chicken, beef)
- OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (beef)
- Pork sausage rice links, brown and serve, cooked
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, baked cooked 96% fat free)
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners Little (pork, turkey)
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (pork, turkey)
- Brotwurst, pork, beef, link
- Pate, goose liver, smoked, canned
- Sausage, Berliner, pork, beef
- Cheesefurter, cheese smokie, pork, beef
- Beef, cured, sausage, cooked, smoked
- Bacon and beef sticks
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Ham (10% water added)
- OSCAR MAYER, Smokies Sausage Little Cheese (pork, turkey)
- LOUIS RICH, Franks (turkey and chicken)
- Scrapple, pork
- Knackwurst, knockwurst, pork, beef
- Turkey, pork, and beef sausage, low fat, smoked
- OSCAR MAYER, Summer Sausage Beef Thuringer Cervelat
- Bratwurst, pork, beef and turkey, lite, smoked
- Pate, truffle flavor
- Salami, pork, beef, less sodium
- OSCAR MAYER, Chicken Breast (honey glazed)
- Liver cheese, pork
- Turkey, pork, and beef sausage, reduced fat, smoked
- Turkey, breast, smoked, lemon pepper flavor, 97% fat-free
- Frankfurter, meat, heated
- Picnic loaf, pork, beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Smokies (beef)
- CARL BUDDIG, Cooked Corned Beef, Chopped, Pressed
- OSCAR MAYER, Summer Sausage Thuringer Cervalat
- OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (beef light)
- Sausage, Polish, beef with chicken, hot
- Ham, chopped, canned
- Macaroni and cheese loaf, chicken, pork and beef
- Bologna, beef and pork
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham (40% ham/water product, smoked, fat free)
- CARL BUDDIG, Smoked Sliced Beef
- Headcheese, pork
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Breast (smoked, portion fat free)
- OSCAR MAYER, Smokies (cheese)
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks, fat free)
- Salami, cooked, beef
- Bockwurst, pork, veal, raw
- Bologna, chicken, pork
- Bologna, pork, turkey and beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks, light)
- OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (light pork, turkey, beef)
- LOUIS RICH, Chicken Breast (oven roasted deluxe)
- Olive loaf, pork
- Frankfurter, meat and poultry, low fat
- OSCAR MAYER, Smokie Links Sausage
- Beef, cured, luncheon meat, jellied
- Beerwurst, beer salami, pork and beef
- Frankfurter, beef and pork
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, boiled)
- Peppered loaf, pork, beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Bologna Light (pork, chicken, beef)
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey (honey roasted, fat free)
- Beef, bologna, reduced sodium
- Bologna, chicken, turkey, pork
- OSCAR MAYER. Bologna (Wisconsin made ring)
- OSCAR MAYER, Salami Beef Cotto
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Breast (oven roasted, portion fat free)
- Turkey roll, light meat
- OSCAR MAYER, Luncheon Loaf (spiced)
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Breast (oven roasted, fat free)
- Frankfurter, beef and pork, low fat
- USDA Commodity, luncheon meat, canned
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham (chopped with natural juice)
- Ham, minced
- LOUIS RICH, Chicken (white, oven roasted)
- New england brand sausage, pork, beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Head Cheese
- Bologna, chicken, pork, beef
- OSCAR MAYER, Ham and Cheese Loaf
- Frankfurter, beef, pork, and turkey, fat free
- OSCAR MAYER, Olive Loaf (chicken, pork, turkey)
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Salami Cotto
- Frankfurter, beef, heated
- Bologna, beef, low fat
- Beerwurst, beer salami, pork
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Salami
- Poultry salad sandwich spread
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Bologna
- Bologna, beef and pork, low fat
- OSCAR MAYER, Pickle Pimiento Loaf (with chicken)
- Frankfurter, beef, low fat
- OSCAR MAYER, Braunschweiger Liver Sausage (sliced)
- LOUIS RICH, Turkey Nuggets/Sticks (breaded)
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