Food Categories
Baked Goods
Beef Products
Breakfast Cereals
Cereal Grains and Pasta
Chicken Products
Dairy and Egg
Fast Foods
Fats and Oils
Fish and Shellfish Products
Fruits and Fruit Juices
Lamb, Veal, and Game Products
Legumes and Legume Products
Meals, Entrees, and Sidedishes
Nut and Seed Products
Pork Products
Restaurant Foods
Sausages and Luncheon Meats
Soups, Sauces, and Gravies
Spices and Herbs
Vegetables and Vegetable Products
- Melon, banana (Navajo)
- Tamales (Navajo)
- Mutton, cooked, roasted (Navajo)
- Deer (venison), sitka, raw (Alaska Native)
- Soup, fish, homemade (Alaska Native)
- Agave, raw (Southwest)
- Salmon, red (sockeye), filets with skin, smoked (Alaska Native)
- Octopus (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, red, canned, bones removed (Alaska Native)
- Fish, halibut, cooked, with skin (Alaska Native)
- Blackberries, wild, raw (Alaska Native)
- Fish, whitefish, mixed species, raw (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, red, (sockeye), kippered (Alaska Native)
- Blueberries, wild, raw (Alaska Native)
- Squash, Indian, cooked, boiled (Navajo)
- Stew, dumpling with mutton (Navajo)
- Fish, herring eggs, Pacific, plain (Alaska Native)
- Stew, steamed corn (Navajo)
- Fish, salmon, coho (silver), raw (Alaska Native)
- Fish, whitefish, dried (Alaska Native)
- Steelhead trout, boiled, canned (Alaska Native)
- Stew, hominy with mutton (Navajo)
- Fish, salmon, sockeye (red), raw (Alaska Native)
- Huckleberries, raw (Alaska Native)
- Cranberries, wild, bush, raw (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, king, chinook, smoked, brined (Alaska Native)
- Corn, white, steamed (Navajo)
- Tortilla, includes plain and from mutton sandwich (Navajo)
- Stew, mutton, corn, squash (Navajo)
- Blueberries, wild, frozen (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, king, chinook, smoked and canned (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, red, (sockeye), canned, smoked (Alaska Native)
- Fish, whitefish, broad, head, eyes, cheeks and soft bones (Alaska Native)
- Stinging Nettles, blanched (Northern Plains Indians)
- Cornmeal, yellow (Navajo)
- Fish, herring, Pacific, flesh, air-dried, packed in oil (Alaska Native)
- Tea, tundra, herb and laborador combination (Alaska Native)
- Caribou, bone marrow, raw (Alaska Native)
- Corned beef and potatoes in tortilla (Apache)
- Fish, devilfish, meat (Alaska Native)
- Acorn stew (Apache)
- Buffalo, free range, top round steak, cooked (Shoshone Bannock)
- Fish, blackfish, whole (Alaska Native)
- Stew/soup, caribou (Alaska Native)
- Agutuk, fish/berry with seal oil (Alaskan ice cream) (Alaska Native)
- Corn, dried, yellow (Northern Plains Indians)
- Fish, whitefish, eggs (Alaska Native)
- Raspberries, wild (Northern Plains Indians)
- Fish, salmon, king, chinook, kippered, canned (Alaska Native)
- Yellow pond lily, Wocas, tuber, cooked (Pacific Northwest Indians)
- Fish, salmon, king, with skin, kippered, (Alaska Native)
- Buffalo, free range, top round steak, raw (Shoshone Bannock)
- Squirrel, ground, meat (Alaska Native)
- Elk, free range, ground, raw (Shoshone Bannock)
- Cornmeal, blue (Navajo)
- Fish, salmon, king (chinook), raw (Alaska Native)
- Hazelnuts, beaked (Northern Plains Indians)
- Fish, salmon, chum, dried (Alaska Native)
- Fish, herring eggs on giant kelp, Pacific (Alaska Native)
- Seal, ringed, liver (Alaska Native)
- Steelhead trout, dried, flesh (Shoshone Bannock)
- Piki bread, made from blue cornmeal (Hopi)
- Cockles, raw (Alaska Native)
- Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native)
- Chokecherries, raw, pitted (Shoshone Bannock)
- Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians)
- Squash, Indian, raw (Navajo)
- Cranberry, low bush or lingenberry, raw (Alaska Native)
- Fish, herring eggs, Pacific, dry (Alaska Native)
- Agave, cooked (Southwest)
- Corn, dried (Navajo)
- Oil, spotted seal (Alaska Native)
- Smelt, dried (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, king, chinook, liver (Alaska Native)
- Tennis Bread, plain (Apache)
- Prairie Turnips, raw (Northern Plains Indians)
- Stew, moose (Alaska Native)
- Fish, salmon, tipnuk, fermented (Alaska Native)
- Cornmeal, white (Navajo)
- Plains Pricklypear, broiled (Northern Plains Indians)
- Bear, black, meat (Alaska Native)
- Fish, lingcod, meat, raw (Alaska Native)
- Oil, whale, bowhead (Alaska Native)
- Owl, horned, flesh, raw (Alaska Native)
- Cloudberries, raw (Alaska Native)
- Frybread, made with lard (Apache)
- Duck, scoter, white-winged, meat (Alaska Native)
- Frybread, made with lard (Navajo)
- Ascidians (tunughnak) (Alaska Native)
- Fish, Salmon, Chum, raw (Alaska Native)
- Sea lion, Steller, meat (Alaska Native)
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